Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today... is just a day...

It is a day full of stay at home duties... laundry, play dough, pet shops, and dishes... 
I always find it much more satisfying to play with my daughter, than doing dishes. It is a rainy day filled with toys and movies. Hopping that I will get a break when my baby girl takes a nap to do the things that need to be done. If she decides today is a good day for a nap.. LOL

Tomorrow I will head to Flint for yet another dentist appointment, god willing, they get rid of the sore spots!!! But hopefully I will get to see my beautiful nephew Logan, and my sister! \

I think next week i will be returning to nanny duties... and in two weeks we are supposed to go to Joe's aunts cabin for a family get together, and two weeks from that a wedding in Alpena. Abbie is so social, she would love to do both. We (my husband and I) are trying to decide if we are going to do both, we want to, but are also trying to watch money... more now than lately because we want to move closer to my family in the Flint area.!!! So we are either going to upset one side of the family, or decide to do both.. still up in the air. 

The rain is wonderful, and would be more perfect if I could take a nap! 

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